Saturday, October 28, 2006
Such A Bad Day~! =(
Today is not my day~! Argggghhhhhh!!!! I was emo today, almost the whole day! I cried even I go out~! Pathetic~! Spoil my mood only! Went out with my chi muis tonight to catch a movie titled "The Prestige". It was kinda good but need to focus and udnerstand because it can be complicated once you don't understand it. We went back after the show and my bad luck keep coming in!.. I lost my favourite earring that I wore it earlier on to the cinema!! Arghhh!! How can God treat me like this? Unlucky things tends to show up even more. I have lost my beloved aunty that I love dearly, and I have lost my love life. And now I have lost my favourite things! boohooo~!~!.. I hate this year!!! Not my year!!
Sometimes you lose things doesn't mean you're having a total bad day. You lose things may indicate that some things are meant to dismiss so that you have better days soon. Cheer up, girl! Have faith in what you're doing. You only live once, be happy :)
yea fi..blieve me..i noe sum1 tat had lost more than u do rite now..n yet tat person still live on..bcoz tats life..u juz got to keep on living n try to live the very best u can..
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