Here's some pictures I took during the Chinese New Year.. It's not much but it's a memorable day for me. With all my uncles, aunties and cousins. Missed them suddenly. Sob Sob...

A home-made decoration that i had done to my house. Hehehe... 9 fishes.. means luck luck luck.. (I think...I simply say wan..)

Another place where I decorate.. nice nice? Hehehehe.. My master piece ok? Please comment sikit... I decorate this all last minute during the eve. Sigh...

Gone the Dog year... Welcome the Pig year.. Hehehe... Dog year wasn't a good year for me and I hope that the pig year will give me more luck, good health, wealth and of course, LOVE!!!! =P

Oooo... First day of Chinese New Year, my door open so widely to usher the new year. Gong Xi! Gong Xi! Gong Xi ni ya!! Happy New Year.... Ang Pau na lai...

Here is all my uncles and aunties... makan-makan... borak-borak... ooo... nice to see and hear all of them laughing and chit-chatting. So nice...

My dearest brother and cousin, Sonia..
Miss them so much.. Muacks muacks..

One Big Happy Family.... The Lim's Family.. Wops.. there are 3 missing persons. Two were outstation... the other one fell sick on that day. Too bad.. =(
A home-made decoration that i had done to my house. Hehehe... 9 fishes.. means luck luck luck.. (I think...I simply say wan..)
Another place where I decorate.. nice nice? Hehehehe.. My master piece ok? Please comment sikit... I decorate this all last minute during the eve. Sigh...
Gone the Dog year... Welcome the Pig year.. Hehehe... Dog year wasn't a good year for me and I hope that the pig year will give me more luck, good health, wealth and of course, LOVE!!!! =P
Oooo... First day of Chinese New Year, my door open so widely to usher the new year. Gong Xi! Gong Xi! Gong Xi ni ya!! Happy New Year.... Ang Pau na lai...
Here is all my uncles and aunties... makan-makan... borak-borak... ooo... nice to see and hear all of them laughing and chit-chatting. So nice...
My dearest brother and cousin, Sonia..
Miss them so much.. Muacks muacks..
One Big Happy Family.... The Lim's Family.. Wops.. there are 3 missing persons. Two were outstation... the other one fell sick on that day. Too bad.. =(
Gamble time!!!! Early in the morning already gamble. Sigh... but it was fun with
all the laughters and the big smile on their faces even the "sick" person also "bersemangat"!
"God of Gamble is here!!! Look at my cards.. Nice right? Money money!!!", said by my brother.
Banker win alot siot!!!
"I also God of Gamble!!!"*teeheeee*, Sonia grinned with her white "colgate" smile. =P
Ok people... See you next year in 2008! Muacks.. Love you all.
u r wrong..3 person missing..kor edmond, my bro n kor eric..u forgot my bro,ya? neway..WAHLAO! I like put on 10kg dy wei! bulat till kenot bulat..*faints* shiit..*DIET DIET!!*
oh my god!!! i totally forgotten him... hahaha.. he macam ade ke takde pun sama aje.. hahaha.. sorry eh..
teruk..ur cousin also wat..not appreciated..kesian my bro..
hahaha.. sorry la... sayang sonia.. nak i tukar ke?
tukar tukar! hahaahhaa..up to u la..
ok.. EDITTED ad.. hehehe...Maaf ye?
King & Queen Gamblers man... Teruk nyer this LIM family!
Opps... I forgot, me also LIM! LOLx.
Where's Stephen Chow?
Stephen Chow? This are the students of Stephen CHow ok? Don't "play-play" ehehehe..
No wonder the guy holding the RM5 note look ONG!
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