Thursday, November 09, 2006

Such A Beautiful Day.... NOT!!

Yesterday at work, I was kinda stressed up with my work. After I came back from work, I cleaned the house and was just releasing my stress. After prayers, (pray my alter coz noone at home) and, guess what, I walked all the way from my house to a cafe near Melaka Raya. It took me at least half an hour to 40 mins to reach at the destination. Half to my destination, I can even meet my gal fren who supposed to meet me up after her yoga. She was surprised to see me and she don't believe me that I walked all the way there. hahaha... It was nice to be sitting alone by yourself and enjoy the the surrounding once in a while. I ate my dinner and read magazine alone! haha.. Never done that in ages! Meet few of my friends ( not so close) and eventually, it was nice talking to him. haha.. He is younger than me anyway (my bro's friend). My gal friend met me up after her yoga and was talking about guys and relationship! hahaha... What she has gone thru it, I also been going thru it. Her situation almost similar to my past. I understand her conditions. Guys... sigh~!
Anyway, today work still loaded. One problem come to another problem and kinda stressed it out. I better start to organize my work before things get worst. It's all about foreign workers and my desk is not enough space for me to do my work! hahaha.. on my desk, there's HR work, there's Foreign workers and Insurance..
Under my desk, there's no place for my leg to rest. Hahaha.. All full of files. After work, rush myself to the mall to shop for my clothing coz I saw my colleague bought the blouse whcih is damn super nice and I kinda like it. Then, went back home and doze off once I touched my bed. hahaha.. Later going out with my chi muis and wanna eat the Burger at tepi longkang! woot!! me hungry now *growling*
That's all from me now... Sometimes, I do hate blogging! hahaha...


Anonymous said...

what happen to my part? i'm not included inside? =(

Fifi-Jinx said...

"Guys..." tht's ur part... hahaha...

Fifi-Jinx said...


Anonymous said...
